Speaker: Rev. Tom Schade

Marching to the Beat of A Different Drum

Contemporary Unitarian Universalism was formed during the 1940’s and 1950’s. Some of the very eldest UU’s still remember those days. It was during these decades that Unitarianism shifted from thinking of itself as “the most enlightened wing of the Protestant Establishment” to staking out an identity as religious non-conformists at odds with the religious mainstream. … Continue reading Marching to the Beat of A Different Drum

United or Untied?

What stops us from trusting others? What prevents us from fully entering into community? United or Untied? Zygmunt Bauman – the title of his book is “Liquid Love” a phrase he used to describe human relationships in the culture we now live in.  Relationships are fluid and shifting, temporary. We assume that a person now … Continue reading United or Untied?

Who We Trust

I was at one of those many conferences about growing Unitarian Universalism,10 or 15 years ago, when it came to me to ask the question: Why would someone want to be a UU? Actually, the question was a little more sharply focused. What does a person hope will happen if they become a Unitarian Universalist?  … Continue reading Who We Trust

Home Another Way

  First Reading: The Day Millicent Discovered the World.   The Day Millicent Found the World   Every morning Millicent ventured farther into the woods. At first she stayed near light, the edge where bushes grew, where her way back appeared in glimpses among dark trunks behind her. Then by farther paths or openings where … Continue reading Home Another Way