Usher Instructions Updated October 2023

Please plan to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to the service to prepare.



  • Bring collection bags, attendance sheets, Orders of Service (OOS), and Flower Book from the Reception desk in the Church Office to the Sanctuary. The flower book is a place for people to sign up to bring flowers for the Sanctuary on a specific date in the future.
  • Turn lights on – located to the right of the entrance, near the sound closet.
  • Check the Sanctuary thermostat (should already be at 69°). It is located in the hall behind the pulpit. If it is too cold, hold the “UP” button until desired temperature is displayed.If too hot, hold “DOWN” button until desired temperature is displayed. Open windows if necessary and bring out fans located in the furnace room behind the pulpit.
  •  Make sure Hearing Devices are set out. Refer to “FM Sound Amplification Directions” to provide hearing assistance to those who need it.
  • Distribute hymnals along the back window benches.
  • If no one has brought flowers, bring out a dried flower arrangement from the music storage room (behind the pulpit) a few minutes before the service begins.
  • Place two(2) collection plates on the altar – usually found on the back usher table.
  • At approximately 9:45 light the candles,including thejos and sorrows candle.
  • Smile, greet people, hand out OOS and bulletins. Remind people tht they can fill out a Joys and Sorrows slip to be read during the service. Be alert for newcomers (if you’re not sure, introduce yourself and say “I don’t believe we’ve met”).  Assist older members as needed. Direct youngsters to the VIP.



  • At least one usher should be alert in the vestibule for latecomers and to assist  with problem solving if needed.
  • Latecomers should be asked to wait until quiet portions of service are over before being seated. This is especially important during the silent meditation. Remember that the sound of the door and talking carry throughout the building. Seat people only during announcements, hymns, group readings, or interlude.
  • If babies/toddlers become fussy, you can direct the parent to the nursery in the parish house.
  • As the Offering is being announced, meet the Minister at the front of the church to accept the plates. Recruit someone to assist if you are alone. Then quietly count the cash offering and write the amount on the attendance sheet. Please do NOT tally the checks, NOR open any pledge envelopes. Put the collection and the attendance sheet in the collection bag. Leave collection plates in the Sanctuary.
  • During the offering, count the number of attendees and the number of children in attendance. Include these separate numbers on the tally/attendance sheet.


  • Straighten chairs that may be out of alignment.
  • Straighten out hymnals in racks and stack the hymnals on the window bench. in the corner of the bench. Collect all OOS for trash.
  • Make sure the receivers for the hard of hearing amplification devices are turned off and left on the back table in the vestibule.
  • After service, dried flowers are returned to the minister/music storage room, and donated flowers are brought to Parish House vestibule coffee table.
  • Bring the Flower Book back to the Parish House reception desk
  • Do not adjust the thermostat. It will reset itself at noon. Turn off lights, close windows and turn off fans.
  • After the service bring the collection bag to the Church Office and place the bag in the lock box found in the marked drawer in the back corner desk. There is a key in the collection bag to use on the lock box, after depositing the collection bag, lock the box and drop the key into the slot in the box.
  • Turn off the lights.