Speaker: Led by Rev. Tom Schade

The Present Moment: Everything Will Change Again

Unitarian Universalism Today: the state of our faith and its yearning for wholeness.


In 1997, the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly passed the Business Resolution calling upon the Unitarian Universalist Association, in all its many forms, an anti-racist and multi-cultural organization. In time, that phrase “anti-racist and … read more.

And then everything changed some more…

What UU’s learned through the process of the Welcoming Congregation, not only about our LGBTQIA co-religionists, but also about the process of change.



Adrienne Rich tried to point out that there was a moment  “when the name of compassion was changed … read more.

The Great Reformation

That sustaining, creating, and transforming current that carried Unitarian Universalism through the 60’s seems to have vanished in the early 1970’s. But it re-emerged from a new source: the Women’s Reformation of Unitarian Universalism. It changed almost everything.

The Women’s Reformation


In January 1970, right at the … read more.

Dancing in Rhythm with the Times

In 1961, the Unitarians and the Universalists merged into the present Unitarian Universalist Association. It was also the year that John Kennedy was inaugurated as President of the United States, proclaiming that “the torch has been passed to a new generation.”  The first sit-ins resisting … read more.

What Do You Know About Elephants

An elephant figures in one of Unitarian Universalism’s most sacred stories, a story that guided us when we needed some wisdom very badly. But has the story worn well over decades? What have we learned since then? (And no, this is not a sermon about … read more.