Greetings Westminster Community: 

What an exciting year we have before us!

While our stellar Search Committee works diligently to find the perfect ministerial match for us, it is our job as members and friends of this church we love, to create the most welcoming, engaging, and spiritually satisfying environment for all of us to flourish.  

This, our Year of Gratitude at Westminster Unitarian Church, reminds us that:

It takes energetic and loving ministerial leadership, which we have in abundance in Rev Eric, Rev DL, and our Director of Spiritual Development, Jeannette Bessinger, to create the richness of our spiritual life.

It takes thoughtful and dedicated leadership, which our Board of Trustees exemplifies with every decision they make on the congregation’s behalf. 

It takes the expertise of our gifted musician and Music Director, Nonetta Shatakhtsian, and our talented choir members to turn every worship service into a heightened and musically enriched experience.

It takes support staff, such as Marisa Albini, our office administrator, whose expertise, efficiency, and pleasant demeanor keeps the office running smoothly.

It takes the hard work of our Sexton, Tim Marnane, to keep our property sparkling and ready for events.

And it takes every one of us to make this church the inviting and welcoming spiritual community that we hold dear.  We are grateful to you for the personal investment of time so that committee work gets done, coffee hour is ready, ushers and greeters are present every Sunday, weeds are plucked from our gardens, repairs are managed efficiently, and much much more.


Gratitude Sunday is October 15 and the start of our Annual Budget Drive.  Please consider your pledge to Westminster Unitarian Church carefully (see Westminster’s Giving Guide).  Take stock of your gratitude for this wonderful church that you call home.  How can your pledge best reflect the role Westminster Unitarian Church has in your life and that of your family?

Be generous.  Be grateful.    Be courageous.

Yours in UU Fellowship,

The WUC Board of Trustees: Kamila Barzykowski, Nancy Reed, Jan Searles, Laura Guisti, Laura Evans, Jamie LaSalle, Carolyn Mark‘

Please make your pledge on the church website or at church starting on Sunday, October 15th.