OOS 2-20-22

Worship Sunday, February 20, 2022
Led by Kari Gottfried
10:00 AM 

Thank you to our Worship Partner: Al Jeffries and our Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Kamila Barzykowski

Welcome and Announcements 

Chalice Lighting:

Prelude: Bushido by D. P. Toussat

Opening Words: “Hoping, Trusting for So Many Things” by Katie Kandarian-Morris

 Opening Hymn: This Joy performed by the Resistance Revival Chorus

 Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service its mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows:  Continued Glory by H. Kuroishi


Song in response:  #1031 Filled with Love and Kindness

Offering: Our February Share the Plate Recipient is The College Crusade. The College Crusade prepares and inspires young people in Rhode Island to become the first in their families to attend and complete college.  College Crusade helps students from Middle School all the way through to post-secondary education, via an engaging and diverse staff representative of the communities that they serve. The goals are to address barriers to education and economic empowerment for their students. To donate go to

Offertory:  My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice by C. Saint- Saens

Reading:  Based on James Luther Adams’ essay “Guiding Principles for a Free Faith”


Closing Hymn:  Tomorrow by Kate and Justin Miner

Closing words by Erik Walker Wikstrom

 Carry the Flame In Peace and Love