OOS 3-6-22

OOS 3-06-22
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Thank you to our worship volunteers.

Worship Partner: Linda Hevenor
Lay Pastoral Care Associate:  Kamila Barzykowsk
Usher: Al Jeffries

Chalice Lighting by Rev. Suzelle Lynch

Prelude: L’Invermo by A. Vivaldi

Opening Words by Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage (adapted)

Opening Hymn:  #108 My life flows On In Endless Song

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.    

Joys and Sorrows: The Winter Road Under a Pink Sky by L.Orsa

Prayer by Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Song in Response:  #1011 Return Again

Offering: Our March Recipient of Share the Plate is The Women’s Resource Center. The mission of The Women’s Resource Center has always been the prevention of domestic violence and to provide support services to individuals in Newport and Bristol Counties. Since 1977, the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) has been a listening ear, a helping hand, and in some cases, a lifeline to individuals experiencing domestic violence. There is no charge for services provided by WRC.  To donate

Offertory:  Day by Day by O. Ahnfelt



Closing Hymn 

Closing words 

Carry the Flame