Order of Service 5-10-20

Order of Service for May 10th, 2020

Welcome & Announcements

To get on our mailing list: info@westminsteruu.org
To learn about scholarships to General Assembly: 
To see upcoming events, including daily morning meditation and “Life Hacks”:

Chalice Lighting Words by George Kimmich Beach

Prelude Played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Opening Words adapted from various Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

Opening Hymn Enter Rejoice & Come In

*Unison Affirmation:
Love is the spirit of this church
and service its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.

Time for All Ages: The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering (adaptation by Ann Kadlecek, from the book by Sharon Mehdi)

Joys, Sorrows and Concerns
With music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Pastoral Prayer By Rev. Victoria Weinstein

Offering Our May Share-the-Plate, Westbay Farm, was founded in 2005 on the 240-year-old former Barton Dairy Farm. Westbay farm’s mission is to provide fresh chemical-free produce to low and moderate income people. The farm is owned by the city of Warwick and leased to the non-profit Westbay Community Action. One of the many sites receiving low (or no) cost produce from Westbay is Westminster’s Sharing Locker.

Offertory Played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian
To donate: www.westminsteruu.org/donate

First Reading: Adapted from Rev. Stefan Jonassen in his “A Canadian Unitarian Almanac And Liturgical Calendar.”

Second Reading” Wage Peace” by Judyth Hill

Song: Come and Go With Me


Closing Song: Bring Many Names

Carry the Flame

** Many thanks to Alice Cialella for serving as lead technical host this morning, to Chris Lewis for serving as technical co-host and to George Johnson for serving as at-large technical troubleshooter. Without the generous gift of their time and support this service would not have been possible.

The Service Will be Followed by Coffee Hour on Zoom!
Breakout rooms of 6-8 will be randomly assigned to all who would like to participate. We’ll do rounds of 10 minutes each. It’s a great way to get to know folks you otherwise might not get a chance to talk to!