Worship Sunday, May 12, 2024

“Flower Communion Service: Beyond Unconditional Love”

We celebrate our annual communion of flowers intergenerationally on Mother’s Day.  Everyone is asked to bring a flower to the service – all types of flowers are welcome.  At the end of the service, a different flower will be distributed to all attendees. 

Each year as we engage in the familiar ritual and remember the roots of this tradition, we feel the Beauty of Creation, the Joy of Sharing, and refresh our understanding of the depth of Sacrifice that living by Faith invites.

Note: We use YouTube to live-stream our Sunday worship services on our church website.  

Sunday worship services are simulcast on the large LCD screen in Smith Hall on Sunday morning. If you have trouble finding a seat in the Sanctuary, or would just be more comfortable being in a more open space, you’re welcome to watch the service in Smith Hall.

Please check COVID levels on the Westminster website. If the level is ‘low’ or ‘medium’ mask-wearing is recommended but optional at Westminster. If the level is ‘high’ mask-wearing is required.