Worship Sunday, February 26, 2023 10:00 AM

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Multiplatform Service – In-person in the Sanctuary

“Love as a Verb”

One day, while talking to a friend who had been married 30 years, I asked what “kept their love alive.” The friend laughed and said, “work, hard work.” And anyone who has loved anything – a person, a pet, a place, even an activity – for a long time knows that love isn’t easy. Love is a full-bodied activity, asking our body, spirit, mind, patience, hopes, and dreams, to all be involved. Love is a commitment, and recommitment to that which we hold dear, be that people or values.

And that matters, because it is our love – love for the world, for future generations, for ideals and hopes, that drive us. Love gets us out of bed, love reminds us of what is most true, and love calls us to grow and change throughout our lifetimes.

This Sunday we’ll talk, and share, about this tenacious verb we call LOVE.