Worship Sunday, April 7, 2024 10:00 AM

“Working Toward Our Collective Safety at WUC”

Over the past couple of years, Westminster has been working on different initiatives to make our church a safer place for all. To that end, this year the Safer Congregations Response Team, the Youth Religious Education Committee and the Men’s Group have been working together to begin creating a church-wide safety plan that will include our existing Safer Congregations Policy for youth protection, our fire safety plan and protocols, an emerging active shooter plan and protocols, and more – best policies and protocols for responding swiftly and effectively to many levels of potential disruption, including natural and other disasters. In this service, we will update and educate the congregation about the newest safety protocols at WUC, dedicate our new safety installations, and also minister collectively to our experiences with any unexpected safety challenges of the past and fears about them in the future.

Note: We use YouTube to live-stream our Sunday worship services on our church website.  You can also visit the Westminster YouTube Channel for an archive of previous Sunday services.

Sunday worship services are simulcast on the large LCD screen in Smith Hall on Sunday morning. If you have trouble finding a seat in the Sanctuary, or would just be more comfortable being in a more open space, you’re welcome to watch the service in Smith Hall.

Please check COVID levels on the Westminster website. If the level is ‘low’ or ‘medium’ mask-wearing is recommended but optional at Westminster. If the level is ‘high’ mask-wearing is required.