OOS 9-25-22

OOS 9-25-22
“The Faith of Belonging to the Unknown Future”
Led by Rev. DL Helfer and Jocelyn Foye

Join us for an exploration of how five South County friends shifted fear into “artivism” (art and activism) to protect reproductive justice for all in RI.

Thank you to our Usher: Nancy Reed and our Lay Pastoral Care Leader: Kamila Barzykowski

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting by the Reverend Julienne Lepp.

Prelude: The Road to Happiness by K. Rebecca

Opening Words by the Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson

Opening Hymn: #389 Gathered Here

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Time for All Ages

Joys and Sorrows

Piano Interlude: Leave by D.Poupart-Taussat


Sung Response-  #155 Circle Round for Freedom

Offering:  Our September Recipient of Share the Plate Is The Public’s Radio

In honor of Westminster’s longtime member and supporter Henry “Hank” Sharpe, Jr., our September Share the Plate Recipient is The Public’s Radio. Hank passed away recently at the age of 99. A former president of the church, he was also a philanthropist, a manufacturing leader, and a lover of nature, poetry, and music. Hank was instrumental in the founding of The Public’s Radio, which serves as the public radio station for Rhode Island and Southern New England. The Public’s Radio is committed to providing quality journalism and compelling storytelling that educates informs and inspires community. [Tech Host in chat:]

Offertory:  Les Marins Bleus by S. Guinet



Sermon: “The Faith of Belonging to the Unknown Future,” Jocelyn Foye, Director, of the Womxn Project

Closing hymn: #318 We Would Be One

Closing words: “In Honor,” Amanda Schuber

Carry the Flame