OOS 8-8-21

Beloved Community: a community in which everyone is cared for, absent of poverty, hunger, and hate. 
Led by Social, Economic, Environmental and Justice (SEEJ)

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting: “The Abundance of Our Lives Together” by Katie Gelfand

Prelude: #188 Come, Come, come Whoever You Are, performed by Jess Huetteman, soprano Chelsea Sardoni, mezzo-soprano Morayo Akande, soprano 

Opening Words by Bell Hooks 

Unison Affirmation  
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows: Is This The World We Created …? written by Freddie Mercury and Brian May

Meditation: “Light Once There” by Jacob Folger

Offering: Here at Westminster, we share our plate 50/50 with an organization whose mission aligns with our values.  Our Summer Share the Plate recipient is Plan International USA.  Plan International USA is a girls’ rights organization. Their aim is to create a more equal world by transforming the lives of 100 million girls around the world so that they are safe, educated and economically empowered. They clear the barriers that keep girls and young women from reaching their full potential.

The other half of the collection will be used to fund the work of our congregation here at Westminster.  A link is being posted in the chat for those who would like to give.  

The offering will now be given, and received, with gratitude. To donate go to:

Reading: Voices of Homelessness

Speaker: Sandra Robinson

Interlude: When Our Heart is in a Holy Place – words and music by Joyce Poley. Performed by UUSGU Music Directors Bob Nicoll and Barry Hall

Sermon by Sterk Zaza

Closing song: This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, sung by Elizabeth Mitchell  

Closing words by Marisa A. Zapata

Carry the Flame performed by the WUC Congregation