OOS 6-5-22

Bridging Service/Recognition Sunday
The Invisible Web
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Thank you to our worship volunteers: Worship Partner: Sarah Quigg and our Ushers Linda Hartley and Doris Poisson

Welcome and Announcements 

Chalice Lighting by Eric A Heller-Wagner

Prelude: Sarabanda by J. Elias

Opening Words  by Rev. Scott Taylor

Opening Hymn: #38 Morning Has Broken

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.    

Time for All Ages The Invisible Web, by Patrice Karst 

Joys and Sorrows: Solitude by D. Nevue


Song in Response: #1009 Meditation on Breathing.

Offering: Our June Share the Plate is Yemen Aid. The Yemeni civil war has led to the largest humanitarian crisis on earth. Yemen Aid provides urgent aid and long-term sustainable projects by varying aid from district to district and province to province within the Republic of Yemen. To donate 

Offertory: Aria Sonata 32 by D. Scarlatti

Tying and Connections 

Bridging Ceremony and Appreciations


Closing Hymn: #1064 Blue Boat Home

Closing words by Rev. Andrew Pakula

Carry the Flame