OOS 11-20-22

OOS 11-20-22
“Gratitude for All that Thanksgiving Is — and Isn’t”
Led by Rev. DL Helfer
Join us for a multi-generational gratitude-fest, where we learn from and with each other, ask good questions (as UUs do so well), and return to our Cornbread Communion.

Soul Matters Theme  Change

Thank you to our Worship Partner: Al Jeffries; Youth Worship Partners: Tess Karb, Hailee and Casey Migneault Greene; Usher: Janet Searles and Renee Bucklin; Chalice Lighter: Karb Family; Tech Host: Jolanda Walter

Welcome and Announcements

Chalice Lighting by Bets Wienecke

Prelude  At This Table words and music by I. Menzel and Johas Myrin, Soloist Linda Hartley

Opening Words “For What Shall We Give Thanks,” by Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig

Opening Hymn #21 For the Beauty of the Earth

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows

Piano Interlude: Time To Thank by K. Rebecca


Time for All Ages “Story of Plymouth Rock” (prerecorded with DRE. Jessica Hess)

Sung Response #317, We Are Not Alone

Call for the Offering  Founded in 2010, the non-profit Edesia produces specialized foods that target the different stages of malnutrition. They partner with humanitarian aid organizations like UNICEF, WFP, and USAID which distribute their products all over the world. Edesia is based in North Kingstown, R.I. To read more about Edesia click HERE. To donate go to

Offertory Prayer of Gratitude music by R. Mohlam and A Molgard

Cornbread Communion

Music Thanksgiving Song music by M. Chapin Carpenter, arr. by J. Purifoy

Communion Prayer “A Thanksgiving Blessing,” by Rev. Naomi King

Meditation “A Guided Meditation on Gratitude,“ by Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Closing hymn  #1010 Oh, We Give Thanks

Closing Words “The Healing Power of Gratitude,” by Rev. Peter Friedrichs

Carry the Flame