Dear Westminster Community,

A Year of Joyful Possibilities and New Beginnings” 

What a joy to begin a new church year at Westminster – one which we can create together as we welcome our new minister into our midst.  Let this, our Year of Joyful Possibilities and New Beginnings, be a year where:

  • We embrace our new minister, Rev Deborah, and our Director of Spiritual Development, Rev J., with joy and loving-kindness.
  • We participate in providing challenging and spiritually enriching church school programs for our children and youth.
  • We deepen our church relationships by welcoming newcomers into our midst and re-engage with long-time members and friends.
  • We strengthen our UU values through social justice work within the wider community.
  • We remember we are all stewards of this wonderful church and joyously and generously share our financial resources.

On Sunday, October 20, Westminster will hold its first-ever

It will be a morning of inspiring worship followed in Smith Hall by an opportunity to share what we love most about Westminster as we consider and complete our own pledge cards! TOGETHER!  What better way to top off this celebratory occasion than with a delicious catered luncheon? This liberal faith awaits your commitment to realize the potential of this new church year.  

Our pledge goal is: $271,064.10

Your generous pledge will make all the difference!

“Dwell in possibilities.” 


Jan Searles     April Cambre              Kamila Barzykowski
President         Incoming President    Past President