OOS 10/9/2022
“Expecting… in the interim”
Led by Rev. Eric Cherry
Soul Matters Theme: Courage
Thank you to our Worship Volunteers: Worship Partner Renee Bucklin; Usher: Laura Giusti Lay Pastoral Care Associate: Kamila Barzykowski
Service Blurb: We all face significant transitions throughout our lives. And, our religious community can be a source of strength and hope in the midst of these challenging times. But, its a bit more complicated when our particular church, or the broader religious landscape, is in the midst of significant transition. How do we embrace such a challenge, stay resilient, and yet find joy and meaning through it all? It’s all a matter of what we’re ‘expecting’ in the ‘interim.’
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting by Rev. Bets Wienecke
May this flame,
symbol of transformation since time began,
fire our curiosity,
strengthen our wills,
and sustain our courage
as we seek what is good within and around us.
Prelude: Pianomoon by M. Market
Opening Words
*Opening Hymn: #112 Do You Hear?
1. Do you hear, oh my friend, in the place where you stand, through the sky, through the land, do you hear, do you hear? In the heights, on the plain, in the vale, on the main, in the sun, in the rain, do you hear, do you hear?
2. Through the roar, through the rush, through the throng, through the crush, do you hear in the hush of your soul, of your soul? Hear the cry fear won’t still, hear the heart’s call to will, hear a sigh’s startling trill in your soul, in your soul?
3. From the place where you stand to the outermost strand, do you hear, oh my friend, do you hear, do you hear? All the dreams, all the dares, all the sighs, all the prayers–they are yours, mine, and theirs–do you hear, do you hear?
*Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another
Time for All Ages
Joys and Sorrows
Piano Interlude: Return by M. A. Labolida
Prayer by Brian Andreas
Anyone can slay a dragon but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero. – Brian Andreas
Sung Response: #123 Spirit of Life
Spirit of Life, come unto me. Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion. Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice. Roots hold me close; wings set me free; Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.
Offering: October’s Share the Plate Recipient is The Sharing Locker
The Sharing Locker is one of Westminster’s outreach projects and has been in operation since February 2010. Westminster reaches out to anyone in Washington or Kent County as well as Cranston residents who are experiencing a need for assistance by offering household goods, a seasonal farmer’s market, and/or pet food. Our operation is, by design, closely aligned to our Westminster vision and mission. We have continued to serve clients even during the pandemic. To donate:]
Offertory: Melancholy by M. A. Labolida
Reading: “Back-scratcher” by Rev. David Bumbaugh
Sermon – “Expecting… in the interim”
*Closing Hymn: #1020 Woyaya
- We are going, heaven knows where we are going, but we know within. And we will get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but we know we will. It will be hard, we know, and the road will be muddy and rough, but we’ll get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but we know we will.
Woyaya, Woyaya, Woyaya, Woyaya, We are going, heaven knows where we are going, but we know within.
Closing words by Rev. Rebekah Savage
Carry the Flame