OOS 11-21-21
Unexpected Gratitude – All Ages Service
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras
Thank you to our Worship Partner Sarah Quigg; our Usher Laura Evans and our Tech Host Alice Cialella
Welcome and Announcements
Chalice Lighting by Pat Hoertdoerfer
Prelude: Festive Piece by W. Gillock
Opening Words by Cathy Rion Starr
Opening Hymn: #349 We Gather Together
Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service our mission.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
Stewardship Testimonial: Bobbi Scott
Time for All Ages “Thanksgiving at the Tappletons’”
Joys and Sorrows: Thanksgiving Song by M.C. Carpenter
Need a Listening Ear?
If you are in need of someone to listen without judging, the Lay Pastoral Care Team, under the guidance of Rev. Ellen, is here for you. Our goal is to provide a ministry of hope and caring through one-on-one deep listening for the non-emergency needs of the members and friends of Westminster Unitarian Church. To reach out, email: LayPastoralCare@westminsteruu.org, or call 401-542-4601.
Meditative Music/Song in Response: #123 Spirit of Life
Offering: As part of Westminster’s effort to renew our Welcoming Congregations status, we offer up Sage/RI as our Share the Plate recipient. The mission of SAGE/RI is to identify and address issues related to aging among members of the LGBTQ community, to advocate for their rights; and to promote positive images of LGBTQ life in later years.
Offertory: Prayer of Gratitude by R. Mohlman and A. Molgard
Reflection by Jessica Hess
Gratitude Sharing
Reflection by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras
Cornbread Communion
Closing Hymn: #298 Wake Now My Senses
Closing Words
Carry the Flame