OOS 6-21-20

Order of Service 6-21-20
Led by Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Welcome and Announcements by Jeff Prisco, Worship Partner

Chalice Lighting By Amy Carol Webb

Prelude Music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Opening Words with reading by Rev. Harvey Cox and Rev. Molly Housh Gordon

Opening Hymn Gathered Here

Unison Affirmation

Love is the spirit of this church
And service its law
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Joys and Sorrows with music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian



Our June Share the Plate Recipient is our Vote Forward Efforts
UU the Vote
is a non-partisan faith initiative to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. One of the organizations they suggest partnering with is Vote Forward, an initiative focused on registering voters from under-represented demographics and mobilizing Democratic-registered voters, not likely to vote, to participate in our democracy by voting in November. To donate go to  www.westminsteruu.org/donate.

Offertory Music played by Nonetta Shatakhtsian

Reading Excerpt from “The Woman Warrior” by Maxine Hong Kingston


Sermon Part I

Song Come Healing by Leonard Cohen

Sermon Part II

Hymn: Lead with Love by Melanie DeMore

Closing Words

Carry the Flame

Coffee Hour Breakouts and Newcomer Welcome