You Tube Service Sharing the UUA Congregation in Brunswick, ME.
UUA Congregation in Brunswick, ME has graciously invited us in to their YouTube service on Sunday August 22 at 10:00 AM
The folks at the UU Church of Brunswick, Maine are delighted to have us join them for worship and coffee hour this Sunday, August 22. Below find the information on how to join on Sunday morning. If you have difficulty, Rev. Justine Sullivan will be standing by to help. You can email her at or text her at 508-662-0279.
From Reverend Justine: In light of all the tough news this week, this Sunday’s service will focus on healing, with readings and music that help to restore our sense of balance, connection to each other, and hope. Join us.
Sunday Worship Services at 10 AM are online at UUCB’s YouTube Channel—UUCB AV Sunday Worship Services
Coffee Hour following services at 10:45am Sunday Coffee Hour
Meeting ID: 835 1892 3233 Passcode: 605811
Link to the service will be available on Saturday.
Please click HERE to join the YouTube service.
Rev. Justine Sullivan joined UUCB on August 1st as their interim minister. Justine entered professional ministry after working for 20 years as a social worker and psychotherapist and before that as a technical writer and manager at Digital Equipment Corporation. To read more about Rev. Justine and UUCB please click HERE.