Two Services at 9am and 11am – Led by Rev Bill Zelazny
New Year’s resolutions are a long time tradition. The ancient Babylonians and the Romans made promises to their gods at the start of each year and we continue this promise-making custom in modern times. Bill will use this Sunday to look at this practice and its usefulness when it is reported that 88% of those who make New Year resolutions fail.
This service is a pulpit exchange. Rev Ellen will be preaching at Channing Memorial Church in Newport, while their minister, Rev Bill Zelazny, will be preaching at Westminster. Rev. Bill Zelazny is currently the minister at Channing Memorial Church in Newport, RI. He served as the Ballou Channing District Executive from 1999 to 2014, and as the interim minister at the Unitarian Church of West Chester, PA before coming to Newport in 2016. Bill is a graduate of the Starr King School for the Ministry.