Order of Service

Order of Service 9-22-2024 10:00 AM
Is Peace Possible? 
Led by
Rev. Deborah Bennett
Worship Partner:  John Robinson
Time for All Ages:
Rev. J
Lay Pastoral Care Associate:  Judy Adourian
Jan Searles, Amy Crawford, and Paula Greenwood
Pianist: Nonetta Shatakhtsian
Tech Host:
Lance Collins


Prelude: The World Needs Peace by L. Orsa 

Call to Worship 

Opening Hymn:  


Chalice Lighting:  

Unison Affirmation
Love is the spirit of this church
And service our mission
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another

Time for All Ages

Children’s Recessional

Volunteer Call-In:  Land Acknowledgement Process

Call for the Offering: The Sharing Locker is one of Westminster’s outreach projects and has been in operation since February 2010. Westminster reaches out to anyone in Washington or Kent County, as well as Cranston residents who are experiencing a need for assistance by offering household goods, a seasonal farmer’s market, and pet food. Our operation is, by design, closely aligned to our Westminster vision and mission.  To donate, click HERE.

Offertory: Energy Flow in Peace, by K. Rebecca

Time for Centering

Joys and Sorrows


Choir: Instrument of Peace, by Greg Gilin


Closing Hymn: 

Closing Words

*Extinguishing the Chalice:
Carry the Flame of Peace and Love until we Meet Again (Repeat)